Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Edward started life as Egbert

Last week I went to see the movie "Good Night and Good Luck", which needless to say deserves (in my opinion) the many good reviews it has gotten. Wanting to tell my little world about this movie, I decided to look for a picture of Fred Friendly (to the right of Edward R.). At Washington State, where Edward R. studied, they have a "history link" and an interesting article about Murrow and his mentor Ida Lou Anderson

That is where I found out that Edward was Egbert. Friendly also started life with another name - Ferdinand Friendly Wachenheimer. The film was about good journalism, which is enormously important, but in short supply. Another side note, Murrow chained smoked throughout the film he also died of lung cancer at the age of 57.

Just finished a book - "Cold in the Earth" by Aline Templeton. One gets the impression that Scotland if full of dectectives. If you're not inclined to read the book you can get the synopsis from the pages of the Scotsman.


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