Tuesday, April 11, 2006

London, North Carolina, and WW II

Just a wee note (I'm reading a book placed in Scotland) about three books recently read. The London book is by Michael Robotham and is called "The Suspect", it has a good plot with some interesting turns. The main character is a psychologist, but one with an interesting handicap - Parkinson's disease. The North Carolina book takes place in Nantahala National Forest, it is an Indian name meaning "Land of the Noonday Sun." The picture to the right shows what is probably typical along the hiking trails. The book is by Sallie Bissell - "In the forest of harm". Some interesting twists for the characters, but no surprises for the reader. Too bad; a female, Indian lawyer should command more interest. Last but most assuredly not least is Scott Turow's "Ordinary Heroes". Although Kindle County is represented in the story most of it takes place in WWII Europe. The book was a pleasure to read. Turow knows how to weave a plot and tell a story.


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