Sunday, June 17, 2007

Three books, a movie, and a singer

Courtesy of my library I just read "Simple Genius" by David Baldacci. Sean and Michelle are back kicking ass and saving the world. The most interesting thing about the book was that Baldacci used famous code-breakers to name his characters.
Book number two was "Naked to the Hangman" by Andrew Taylor. It is another installment in the Lydmouth series and all the players are there Richard and Edith Thornhill, Jill, and Elizabeth. There is background to the story spaced throughout the book. Happenings in Palestine right after WWII. The other plot lines concern a dance school and rainy, rainy weather. I like Andrew Taylor, he writes well and the atmosphere is always special.
The third book is the latest by Jonathon King. It is, unfortunately, not a Max Freeman story. The book is called "Eye of Vengeance". A sniper and lots of grief figure in the story about a journalist named Nick Mullins based in Florida. Unlike Max there is not a lot of depth to Nick and I sort of think that King should have stuck to his winning concept.
The movie was the third Pirates of the Caribbean - "At World's End". I do like Johnny Depp and I had good company when I went to see the film. But even three hours didn't live up to the first movie. My favorite scene was when they "rocked the boat".
Finally a "find" in the music world - for me at least - Eva Cassidy. My father sent me a recording of her version of "Somewhere over the Rainbow" - extraordinary! I ordered some CD's by her.


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