Friday, March 09, 2007

Sacred Valley and New York

I am now in the Sacred Valley of the Inca's. I arrived in Cusco and my hotel at 8 in the morning yesterday, that is Thursday 8 March/International Women's Day/. I guess you can figure out how early I had to leave Lima, much too early. But anyway the Thursday tour began within an hour and we saw all sorts of interesting Inca ruins. The guide kept telling us how totally the Spanish destroyed everything Inca "during colonial times". The last stop of the day was a church, "one of the most beautiful" according to our guide. Well, beauty is probably relative.
The weather was actually very nice. Combination of rain and sun. The lunch arrangements were somewhat bizarre. Of the 20 people on the tour, there were about 7 or 8 different travel agencies involved. And each agency had their own lunch restaurant /the poor driver probably didn't get much of a lunch rest driving around to the different places/.
I finished my latest book "The Enemy of God" by Robert Daley. It was well written, although I've never read a book by Robert Daley before I might try some more. The story takes place in New York and spans from the 50ties to the 80ties, all mixed up. Try the link to find out more about the book - it is on a good blog for books "curled up with a good book"


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